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Rookies should start with a complete body workout to create the basics for later workouts and to learn the excercises and moves.

Now a program which we do in a alternate way 2-3 times a week (workout 1, workout 2, Workout 1, workout 2, etc)


Dropsets (Reduktion) means that you start with a weigth to do 8-10 reps with a correct technique  before you get a muscle breakdown. When it happen reduce the weight imidiately and do some reps. Don´t leave too much time at reducing the weight. The excercises which have a "max" at the reps should do till the muscle breakdown. You might have recognized that the legs are not in this workout. A reason for that is a good leg development because of former sportive activities (soccer, basketball, athletics). We train the legs indirect with lifting the weight at aother excercises. If you have less muscles on the legs do thre sets squats with 10 reps.


Here is another program which we see as a complete body workout although it is a split. It is a quite brutal workout and nothing for rookies. Because it is so hard for the body we did the complete workout (1+2) only one time a week. If you have a partner that´s your luck : )


With th combination of high and low reps you´ll receive the low and fast contracting muscle fibres which lead to a maximum muscle growth. 


Now ypu´ll find some excercises for each part of the body to get an overview about the portfolio of excercises. Maybe you want to create your own plan. But pay attention whether the excercises are in the correct order. If you train your triceps first you won´t have much success with training you chest or shoulders. In this case the correct order is chest, shoulders, triceps. 

Biceps shouldn´t be trained before back, because the biceps has a supporting function when you train yout back and because of that the biceps will be a limited factor,


You see that it is a little bit the excercises!


To understand the plans here are the different excercises in both languages.

Biceps/ Bizeps

Concentration curls/ Konzentrationscurls 


Barbell curls/ Langhantelcurls

Dumbell curls/ Kurzhantelcurls


Sitting curls/ Kurzhantelcurls auf der Schrägbank


Triceps/ Trizeps

Pushdowns with rope/ Drücken am Seil

Skull crushers/ Drücken im Liegen 


Benchpress with a close grip/ Bankdrücken mit engen Griff 

Tricep extensions/ Einarmiges Trizepsstrecken



Shoulders/ Schultern

Shoulderpress behind head/ Nackendrücken

Shoulderpress front head/ Langhanteldrücken

Shoulderpress with dumbells/ Kurzhanteldrücken

Shoulder rows/ pull ups/ Rudern aufrecht

Shoulder beer lifts/ curls/ Seitheben

Shoulder beer raises/ Frontheben

Upper back rows/ Vorgebeugtes Seitheben


Chest/ Brust

Benchpress/ Bankdrücken

Incline benchpress/ Schrägbankdrücken

Flys/ Fliegende Bewegungen


Back pull-over/ Überzüge


Push-ups/ Liegestütze


Back/ Rücken


Pull ups/ Klimmzüge

Lat pull down/ Latziehen (different types)

Free weigth rows/ Rudern vorgebeugt

Back rows/ Rudern im Sitzen

T-bar rows/ T-Hantel-Rudern

One arm rows/ Einarmiges Rudern




Legs/ Beine

Squats/ Kniebeugen

Leg press/ Beinpressen

Leg extensions/ Beinstrecken

lunge/ Ausfallschritte

Leg curls/ Beincurls

Good Mornings

calf raises sitting/standing/ Wadenhaben im Sitzen/ Stehen

Donkey calf raises/ Donkey-Wadenheben


A new workout plan was created. It´s a split, one workout on monday and thursday, the other on on tuesday and friday. The workouts contain techniques of intensity, pre-debility and post-activation.


Further plans will follow...